Monday, April 20, 2009

OCD - The Toddler Version

Miss E was asked to be a flower girl in a family wedding last Valentine's Day. This was not something we had tried before, but it was to be a small informal ceremony so we agreed. With much excitement and anticipation, she put on her "pretty dress" and posed for pictures. She did so relatively easily, so we assumed the rest of the ceremony would go just as smoothly. As the music began she walked down the aisle, tossing red rose petals along the way. The bride followed and Miss E quietly stood there, watching in awe. As the music stopped and the officiant began talking, she seemed to lose interest. She began picking up the rose petal and putting them back in her basket. No big deal - at least she was being quiet. Then ... well, poor Miss E has just a touch of OCD (all things have a place and everything must be neatly in its place) and it got the better of her. She tried her best to pick all of the petals up, but she could not reach the ones the bride was standing on.

In the middle of the prayer my sweet baby girl shoved the bride, said "move ___," and picked up the last few petals.

I didn't know whether to laugh or crawl under my chair!!!

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