Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conversations With a Three-Year-Old

After picking the diva up from school, we set out on our typical bimonthly adventure ... lunch and a fun activity to pass the afternoon. Being at the house is not an option, as diva is terrified of the housekeeper. Mind you, she is quite intimidating - 5'2", maybe 110lbs, always smiling and talking to diva, and she has been a regular around here since diva was 6 months old. None the less, we must run screaming from her every 2 weeks ... and the adventure begins.
Diva was quite talkative today - no big surprise to those who know her father!!!

Our conversation went something like this:
  • Diva: Mommy why are we taking this path
  • Me: This is the path we have to take.
  • Diva: Why
  • Me: Because it is. *this went on for several minutes*
  • Daddy: "Diva," why don't you want to go this way?
  • Diva: Daddy, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Mommy
  • Daddy: Why?
  • Diva: Because I am.
  • Daddy: But why? *you get the idea, but Diva finally had enough*
  • Diva: Daddy I done talking

Silence ... oh the beautiful silence. Until it started all over again!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now how I come I have never heard those words come out of her mouth??
    The best I get is "Oh... just acause!"
