Thursday, June 23, 2011

Momma Got Shot Today

I have always taken the kids with me on errands. Part necessity, part stubborness on my part - I have been determined from day one that they would be a part of everything I did, even if it required a bit more effort on my part. So, they have always been along for the ride. Sometimes one, sometimes all three, but always an adventure no matter the number. A recent trip was no exception. Since Diva was in school, it was just me and the boys.

Our to do list looked pretty typical:
*gym for Little Man
*Sam's for some essentials
*Hobby Lobby for a fabric run
*Post Office to mail bills and get stamps
*Employee Health for my annual TB skin test

As is often the case, we started at gym and then began making our way back home one errand at a time. Our trip was pretty uneventful - no big scenes, everyone was pleased with our lunch choice (floppy buns) and we made it home in time for a nap before picking Diva up from school. Success!!!

When Daddy got up (he had worked the night before), he asked Little Man about his day..

Daddy: "What all did you do today?"

Little Man: "I saw Miss Erin. We went to the fabric store with the up and down hill. I had floppy buns for lunch and played on the playground. Mommy went to the little hospital and the lady shot her"

Daddy: "Um ... where did Mommy go?" *looking a bit confused*

Little Man: "The little hospital"

I don't know why he didn't understand that one - made perfect sense to me!

Allow me to translate:Employee Health is in a smaller, separate building across from the main hospital. Before we went in, I had prewarned Little Man that Mommy had to go get a shot for work. There you go - we went to the little hospital and Mommy got shot!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A New Kind of Water Slide

My daughter has a small problem - she gets so focused on the task at hand, she completely ignores everything else. Remember having to remind the potty training toddler to make time? I still do that ... she will soon be six!

Earlier this week, I forgot.

The kids had been up and playing for awhile. I assumed, since we had already eaten breakfast and gotten dressed, that everyone had made a stop at the bathroom. What is that they say about assuming?

Little Miss Diva climbed the slide and as she went to sit down ... our little slide became a water slide. Doesn't sound so bad, right? It wouldn't have been, if the slide had been outside (or even where it was supposed to be) ... without any toys at the bottom of it. The overnight bladder capacity of a small child is quite impressive. Even more so when emptied onto one of the only three rugs in the house. It should be noted that in order for this incident to have maximum damage, she had to move the slide ONTO the rug - it lives on a perfectly good area of hardwoods.

I really shouldn't be mad. Her last offending incident involved a bacon cheese biscuit and a room size pottery barn rug when I was four months pregnant. Yes, I did briefly consider just tossing the rug at that point rather than have to clean up the mess. At that moment, cost was not the pressing issue!

So, this really pales in comparison.
It was, in fact, my fault - I assumed!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have spent many hours trying to figure it out, have asked "why me" countless times and wondered if I did (or didn't) do something along the way to cause it.

The "it" of which I speak: my daughter ... the slob.

I am organized to a fault - a place for everything and everything in it's place. My adorable little Diva takes a slightly different approach - shove it under the bed, in the closet or anywhere else you can think of. It is like watching an episode of Hoarders in the infancy stage. As you might imagine, this leads to a challenge at times. After annoucing she has cleaned, one can still find trash, dirty clothes and assorted other items scattered on the floor or hidden under the bed. Clearly, our definitions of clean aren't quite the same. I'm not sure what is more frustrating - the disarray or the fact that she seems completely comfortable in it.

A recent conversation went something like this:
Me: "Go pick up that mess in your room!"
Diva: "I already did."
Me: "So, when I go in there and look ... (walking towards her bedroom)
"What about this towel and this dress? Do your books go on the floor? This is a mess!"
Diva: "But, I don't care!"
*I know she didn't just say that*

Fast forward a few days:
Me: "Come on it's time to go. Go get your shoes on."
Diva: "I can't find my shoes."
Me: "That's not my problem. Did you put them back where they are supposed to go?"
Diva: "But, I looked EVERYWHERE! I can't find them!"
Me: "Then you have to wear what you can find (pulling out two very mismatched shoes)."
Diva: "But, I don't want to wear those!"
Me: "But, I don't care."
*hmm, that sounds strangely familiar

And yes, that was my daughter in the store ... one brown leather sandal and one gray flip-flop with sequins. No, she doesn't normally have a limp - it's just hard to walk in a heel and a flat at the same time. And no, she still didn't put her shoes where they belong when we got back home.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Fresh Start ... I Hope

I had great plans when I started this blog. Okay, not really. However, I did hope that writing (blogging) would be a bit more regular than it has become. No fabulous excuses -just a busy momma being pulled in 10 different directions at once. It seems the blog just doesn't pull quite as hard as everything else!

New plan:
I have a handy dandy little notebook (Why yes, we do watch Blue's Clues. How did you know?).
In this notebook, I have been scribbling down the little funnies as they happen. Nothing fancy, just a few words to help me remember. In the new plan, this notebook is a kind of framework for the blog posts. Now when I have a few minutes to sit down and write, it's all right there for me.

Sounds good on paper. We'll see what happens in real life, as that is the true test of any good plan!