Thursday, June 16, 2011

A New Kind of Water Slide

My daughter has a small problem - she gets so focused on the task at hand, she completely ignores everything else. Remember having to remind the potty training toddler to make time? I still do that ... she will soon be six!

Earlier this week, I forgot.

The kids had been up and playing for awhile. I assumed, since we had already eaten breakfast and gotten dressed, that everyone had made a stop at the bathroom. What is that they say about assuming?

Little Miss Diva climbed the slide and as she went to sit down ... our little slide became a water slide. Doesn't sound so bad, right? It wouldn't have been, if the slide had been outside (or even where it was supposed to be) ... without any toys at the bottom of it. The overnight bladder capacity of a small child is quite impressive. Even more so when emptied onto one of the only three rugs in the house. It should be noted that in order for this incident to have maximum damage, she had to move the slide ONTO the rug - it lives on a perfectly good area of hardwoods.

I really shouldn't be mad. Her last offending incident involved a bacon cheese biscuit and a room size pottery barn rug when I was four months pregnant. Yes, I did briefly consider just tossing the rug at that point rather than have to clean up the mess. At that moment, cost was not the pressing issue!

So, this really pales in comparison.
It was, in fact, my fault - I assumed!

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