Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Fresh Start ... I Hope

I had great plans when I started this blog. Okay, not really. However, I did hope that writing (blogging) would be a bit more regular than it has become. No fabulous excuses -just a busy momma being pulled in 10 different directions at once. It seems the blog just doesn't pull quite as hard as everything else!

New plan:
I have a handy dandy little notebook (Why yes, we do watch Blue's Clues. How did you know?).
In this notebook, I have been scribbling down the little funnies as they happen. Nothing fancy, just a few words to help me remember. In the new plan, this notebook is a kind of framework for the blog posts. Now when I have a few minutes to sit down and write, it's all right there for me.

Sounds good on paper. We'll see what happens in real life, as that is the true test of any good plan!

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I'm glad you're doing this. I hear lots of people with grown kids say they wish they had written down some of the stuff they said.
