Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have spent many hours trying to figure it out, have asked "why me" countless times and wondered if I did (or didn't) do something along the way to cause it.

The "it" of which I speak: my daughter ... the slob.

I am organized to a fault - a place for everything and everything in it's place. My adorable little Diva takes a slightly different approach - shove it under the bed, in the closet or anywhere else you can think of. It is like watching an episode of Hoarders in the infancy stage. As you might imagine, this leads to a challenge at times. After annoucing she has cleaned, one can still find trash, dirty clothes and assorted other items scattered on the floor or hidden under the bed. Clearly, our definitions of clean aren't quite the same. I'm not sure what is more frustrating - the disarray or the fact that she seems completely comfortable in it.

A recent conversation went something like this:
Me: "Go pick up that mess in your room!"
Diva: "I already did."
Me: "So, when I go in there and look ... (walking towards her bedroom)
"What about this towel and this dress? Do your books go on the floor? This is a mess!"
Diva: "But, I don't care!"
*I know she didn't just say that*

Fast forward a few days:
Me: "Come on it's time to go. Go get your shoes on."
Diva: "I can't find my shoes."
Me: "That's not my problem. Did you put them back where they are supposed to go?"
Diva: "But, I looked EVERYWHERE! I can't find them!"
Me: "Then you have to wear what you can find (pulling out two very mismatched shoes)."
Diva: "But, I don't want to wear those!"
Me: "But, I don't care."
*hmm, that sounds strangely familiar

And yes, that was my daughter in the store ... one brown leather sandal and one gray flip-flop with sequins. No, she doesn't normally have a limp - it's just hard to walk in a heel and a flat at the same time. And no, she still didn't put her shoes where they belong when we got back home.

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