Friday, May 28, 2010

The Power of Chocolate

We have been trying for quite some time to get Little Man potty trained. At this point, there is only one sticking point - he refuses to "put the poo-poo in the big boy potty." I really can't complain too much about this. He also refuses to put it anywhere else, except in a pull-up. There have been no accidents in months, although we do see an impressive potty dance on a pretty regular basis. It isn't like I am having to rinse out undies or disinfect the floor. He waits for a pull-up at bedtime.

I have tried all kinds of bribes, even offering him "whatever you want" to use the potty. His most recent choice was chocolate. It is still sitting on the counter and is mentioned on a regular basis with hopes that the promise of chocolate will produce the desired result.

Today, as happens all too often, my words came back at me. There is no privacy with a two-year-old around. Shutting the bathroom door merely serves as a suggestion not to come in ... one that is typically ignored.

Today's conversation went something like this:
Little Man: "Momma, where are you?"
Me: "In the bathroom. I'll be there in a minute."
Little Man: "What are you doing?" *voice moving closer, door opening*
Me: "I'm going potty. Shut the door and go back to the table."
Little Man: "Momma, you want chocolate? You go poo poo in the potty, you can have chocolate."
Me: "Go back to the table please!"
Little Man: "You get chocolate Momma! You such a big girl!"

So clearly he gets the concept of the reward system, he just chooses not to use it.
On the upside - I got a piece of chocolate cause I'm such a big girl. Some days you just have to take what you can get!

1 comment:

  1. I think you deserve a Littlest Pet Shop sticker too.
