Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby Boy McMichael

The newest addition to our family will be here in a few short weeks. The kids are excited, if a bit unsure of what it all means. Watching them attempt to process the information has been an adventure of sorts.

There have been the typical, expected questions:
"When will he be here?"
"Where is he now?"
"How did he get in your tummy?"
"How are we going to get him out?"

Admitting to being somewhat of a coward, I have answered some of these and avoided others entirely. However, not everything can be avoided!

A recent conversation with Diva (in the midst of complete strangers) went something like this:
Diva: "What is our baby's name?"
Me: "Baby Boy"
Diva: "No, its McMichael."
Me: "No, remember it's Baby Boy."
Diva: "No Momma. That's his first name. His next name is McMichael."
Me: "Diva, what is your next name?"
Diva: "K****"
Me: "Baby Boy will have the same next name that you do, just like Little Man and Mommy and Daddy."
Diva: "No Momma!" *in a very frustrated and insistant tone*

I should also note that she is quick to share this information with anyone that will listen. Try explaining to acquaintances (or relative strangers) why your third child, that you claim to be your husband's, will have a completely different last name. I'm sure that will go over particularly well in the Baptist MDO program we use!

I just have a couple of questions:
Does anyone know Mr. McMichael?
Is he a nice guy?

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