Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am not often surprised by something my kids say. Amused or even embarassed at times, but rarely surprised. We recently had an exception to the rule.

I headed out to run errands with the boys safely buckled in the backseat, Laurie Berkner playing in the background. Little Man loves to talk while we are riding, but he also wants the music playing. This presents a problem to his mother. A fair bit of hearing loss is done no favors by background noise and not being able to see the speaker face-to-face. As a result, I typically hear bits and pieces of what he says - enough to agree or disagree and get the basic idea of what is being said.

This is what I heard today:
Little Man: " What's that in the sky?"
Me: "Fog" (gotta love those warm, muggy afternoons)
Little Man: "Fog is kinda like steve."
Me: "Yeah, kinda."
Little Man: "You know, Dad likes steve in his shower?"
Me: "What?" *turning radio down*
Little Man: "Daddy likes steve in his shower."
Me: "You mean STEAM? Daddy likes STEAM?:
Little Man: "Yeah, STEVE."

Note to self: work on clear pronounciations with the three-year-old ...
and question the husband about Steve!

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