Thursday, February 17, 2011

Size is Just a Number

There is an ongoing argument in our house. I think my husband is unobservant, perhaps oblivious at times. Hubby claims I am the unobservant one. I disagree, to a point. I would maintain that I notice the important things, maybe missing some of the little things along the way.
There are numerous examples to back up each side of the argument, including:
  • He cut down a huge tree and waited to see how long it would take me to notice (three days, if you are interested)
  • I repainted a room in our house, without telling him, leaving two very different colored walls side-by-side (I pointed it out to him after a week or so.)
  • I backed one of our cars into the other one in our driveway (no excuse here ... never even looked behind me!)
  • I have pointed out, more than once, that Diva's dress/shirt/skirt was on backwards (there have been repeat offenses with the same article of clothing)
Today, I will be claiming victory in this battle.
Hubby took Little Man to school and I picked him up. This is our usual routine, nothing special about it. I walked into the school and picked up a very familiar backpack and jacket in the hallway, before heading into the classroom.

I couldn't help but smile when talking with his teacher:
Me: "Please tell me he wore this jacket in this morning?"
She smiled back, looking a little puzzled.
Mrs. K: "No, he never had it on."
Me: "It's a 3-6 months. It's the baby's!"

For the record, he mistook a 3-6 month for a 3t. Need I say more?

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