Thursday, June 23, 2011

Momma Got Shot Today

I have always taken the kids with me on errands. Part necessity, part stubborness on my part - I have been determined from day one that they would be a part of everything I did, even if it required a bit more effort on my part. So, they have always been along for the ride. Sometimes one, sometimes all three, but always an adventure no matter the number. A recent trip was no exception. Since Diva was in school, it was just me and the boys.

Our to do list looked pretty typical:
*gym for Little Man
*Sam's for some essentials
*Hobby Lobby for a fabric run
*Post Office to mail bills and get stamps
*Employee Health for my annual TB skin test

As is often the case, we started at gym and then began making our way back home one errand at a time. Our trip was pretty uneventful - no big scenes, everyone was pleased with our lunch choice (floppy buns) and we made it home in time for a nap before picking Diva up from school. Success!!!

When Daddy got up (he had worked the night before), he asked Little Man about his day..

Daddy: "What all did you do today?"

Little Man: "I saw Miss Erin. We went to the fabric store with the up and down hill. I had floppy buns for lunch and played on the playground. Mommy went to the little hospital and the lady shot her"

Daddy: "Um ... where did Mommy go?" *looking a bit confused*

Little Man: "The little hospital"

I don't know why he didn't understand that one - made perfect sense to me!

Allow me to translate:Employee Health is in a smaller, separate building across from the main hospital. Before we went in, I had prewarned Little Man that Mommy had to go get a shot for work. There you go - we went to the little hospital and Mommy got shot!

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